
Archive for मे, 2008

Seek to know that by which knowing the natuer of all things is known.
Seek to love that by which loving the love beyond all forms is known.
That by which knowing, loving, holding comes… absolute Joy

The one that is unbounded unconditioned, limitless
That which we may call You, or he, or She
Shows through countless faces
While sitll being only that Absolute Reality

May we know That and be free from suffering
Whether with two legs, four legs or no legs
You, Oh, One without a second

Let us meditate on That, the supreme consciousness,
with countless forms, yet yourself formless Being itself…

Like ink and the many words
Like sand, and counless sand castles

Through the Play, the Dance of Illusion
You, the Unity, appear as Diversity

How beautiful you are, Oh, One, in your diversity
Being both joy and sorrow, while still that One

Let us remember that Bliss, which is Always There
Underneath, not dependent on the multiplicy of the second

Let us remember, remember, remember
Like lost keys,
or the misplaced note of an old friend

Let us be still and quiet
Not forcing with analysis

But allowing, inviting
The faded secret to come forward on its own

As the Atlantic need not reject the pacific to know the ocean
We need not reject one another to know the Truth

As we need not reject the ocean to follow the river to its source
We need not reject religions or cultures to recede into the Nondual Reality

All roses are flowers, but not all flowers are roses
One can contain the other
But the second cannot contain the first

The whole contains the part
But the part is not the whole

So too, only the Infinite, Nondual contains the dual

While we peel away the layers of the onion
Let us remember the core,
Which itself, is but a phantom

After all, let us remember, remember, remember
There is no core
There is truly no core

As we are Absolute Nondual Reality
Without a second

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