
Archive for नोभेम्बर 8th, 2007


Today I took a psychological test at Psychology Today website and it described me having Procrastination, a phenomenon of intentionally postponing activities and doing something else that is less important. The report goes as follows:

Procrastination is a strange phenomenon. Experts define it as an intention to do something, but acting contrary to the intention by postponing it or doing something else. It often seems to be a good solution for making life more enjoyable (by delaying unpleasant responsibilities), but procrastination almost always makes things more difficult and stressful. It may provide temporary relief, but that looming deadline, those extra pounds that need to be taken off, or that annoying visit to your Great Aunt Janice, can’t be put off forever. Many people struggle for years to free themselves from its chains in order to forge ahead towards academic success, fulfilling relationships, a clean house, or a healthy body.

Although it may seem as though putting something off until later isn’t a big deal, studies have shown that it can turn into a serious habit. Not only can it pervade into all areas of your life, but it can result in lost opportunities, career troubles, unnecessary expenses (e.g. late fees) and even health problems. The tendency to procrastinate may also be the sign of a deeper issue, often linked to Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Anxiety.

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